I care. Do you? Well, obviously THEY don’t

UPDATE: Just found this excerpt from Malaysiakini on Haris’ The People’s Parliament about Mat Shah Mohd Satray.

‘Two alleged Jemaah Islamiah members, who have served six years of detention under the Internal Security Act (ISA), are set to stay in their cells for another two years.


Their detention has been extended for another two years effective June 11, 2008.

[Deputy Home Minister Wan Ahmad Farid Wan Salleh said:]“The extension is just a ISA procedure and it does not involve any time frame. If he is no longer a threat to national security, then he would be freed…If the detainees are not happy with the extension, they can always go for harbeas corpus,”

This information also came to me through email:

GMI juga ingin membawa kepada pengetahuan Parlimen akan perlanjutan tempoh tahanan dua tahanan ISA yang telah sebelum ini ditahan cukup selama enam tahun pada 11 Jun 2008. Mat Sah Mohd Satray dan Shamsuddin Sulaiman kini telah dilanjutkan perintah tahanan mereka oleh Menteri Dalam Negeri selama dua tahun lagi iaitu dari 6 tahun kepada 8 tahun tanpa apa-apa alasan yang munasabah. Mereka telah ditahan sejak 2002, dituduh sebagai anggota Jemaah Islamiah (JI) dan didakwa mengancam keselamatan negara. Satu tuduhan yang berat ke atas mereka tetapi sehingga hari ini masih tiada sokongan bukti walaupun sudah lebih 6 tahun berlalu.

I think they have made it obvious enough that they don’t care about what they are doing to the detainees, and their families. They don’t care what the ISA is doing to society.

If they don’t, I know I do. So who else is with me?

*This is definitely NOT a good way to wake up.


Original Post:
Do you know of a woman called Norlaila Othman? She’s the wife of 6-year ISA detainee Mat Shah Mohd Satray. And this is what she has to say:

“Suhaib, our only child, and I, miss Mat Sah very much. At times, the yearnings creep into our sleep. I once dreamt that my husband came home and everything seemed so real, but when I awoke, I was crying like a baby. My son once sleepwalked to the door, saying his father was standing outside the front door, having been released from camp. But it was all just a dream…

…At times I feel so tired and even think of quitting this anti-ISA campaign, but the negative idea does not stay long in my still sane mind, because I hold on to the principle that this injustice must be exposed so that it will not be used against other innocent Malaysians. I always pray to Allah to turn all my efforts and difficulties into something better for me. I accept Allah’s test, but I have never accepted the oppressive actions of the leaders against their own people.

…I pray that Allah gives the utmost patience to us to face this test. If Mat Sah is not released this year, the next campaign will continue. I will always pray and hope that Allah gives me the strength and increases my patience to continue my efforts to help those still oppressed by this unjust Act. I believe that truth and justice will prevail one day soon…

I found this on a powerpoint slide at The People’s Parliament.

Do you care? I know I do.

There is going to be a Himpunan Rakyat Anti-ISA tomorrow night. I can’t physically be there. But I pray that the families of ISA detainees will find strength. And I hope that more Malaysians will stand up and show that they care.

Let justice prevail. Say NO TO ISA.

2 Comments on “I care. Do you? Well, obviously THEY don’t”

  1. I have long believed that the youth are the hope of this country.

    You, along with so many others, vindicate my faith.

    I have taken the liberty of linking your blog to mine.

    God bless.

    I believe we have to be the change we want to see. Thanks for linking me. And may God bless you too.

  2. wakmasnoor says:

    You have my vote and support, Michelle.
    Thanks. But the support is not for me. 🙂

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