Nominated..and nominating..

*I’m making this a sticky post till Sunday, just so that those who got nominated can find this quickly.

Got nominated for this “Brilliant Weblog Award” by Patricia – The English Cottage. Was a pleasant surprise really! Don’t know if I’m even “worthy” of this award, but hey, they say if you are offered gifts, you don’t reject them.

So here’s a big thank you to Pat!

And as per what she posted on her blog, I’m supposed to:

Brilliant Weblog is a prize given to sites and blogs that are smart and brilliant both in their content and their design. The purpose of the prize is to promote as many blogs as possible in the blogsphere.

Here are the rules to follow:

1. Put the logo on your blog
2. Add link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Add links to those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.

I actually wonder what good it would do for me to “promote” other blogs, seeing as how they’re much well-read than mine, but I think they’re “brilliant”, so here goes my nominations, in no particular order (drumroll…):

1. AntaresMagick River
His is an interesting blog really, because he simply speaks his mind, and doesn’t give two hoots about whether you agree with him or not. And he not only writes about politics, though I half-suspect that’s what he writes most of the time. He also writes on other stuff, which I don’t even know how to categorise! So go check him out.

2. Dr RafickRights2Write
A political blog, mostly. But one that presents some very valid arguments, and some of them I don’t necessarily agree with. But his arguments have been good, and he mostly presents viewpoints that are so different from mine that perhaps he’s the “check and balance” for me in some ways. Don’t agree with him? Leave him a comment. He’s most likely to reply. His is a good place to visit.

3. Aziz Hassanmana-mana
Another “check and balance” blog. In fact, I think his was one of the earliest blogs I discovered, notwithstanding the fact that we were both early bloggers at that time. Like Dr Rafick, his views are so totally different from mine. But so well presented. And like what he states in his blog, we have agreed to disagree, and I don’t think we necessarily get on each other’s toes that much. His views are much appreciated by this blogger.

4. WalskimyAsylum
I don’t know what to say about this guy, just “GO READ HIM!” Sometimes he’s busy (so says his good self), so sometimes there will be bouts of “un-updatedness” on his blog. But when he writes, you can be assured that they are well-thought out. And he adds some splash of interesting analogies too, just to keep the spice up! Good one to check out!

5. LuluWhatalulu
What do I like about Lulu’s blog? Almost everything really. She keeps her posts short and sweet, and strikes me as someone sincere. No hedging around the bush, no sugar-coating. Just straight up what she thinks of a particular issue. A good read, especially when you feel the need to “get away” from all the long, detailed analyses and just stick with the facts, and their direct relation to reactions and feelings.

6. LilianThe Obnoxious 5xmom
This is definitely one blog that I don’t need to “promote”. She does it well all by herself, and besides, she’s got tons of readers! And I don’t blame her too. Simply because she’s another very straighforward person, and she’s not afraid to admit it. I don’t want to describe her in too many words, lest she say that I’m too “syok sendiri”. Haha. Go visit her blog and you’ll know what I mean. It’s a really fun place.

7. Cendana287Recovery from Drug Addiction
This is one blog that I wasn’t sure if I should ‘nominate’. I find his blog a fascinating place to find myself, but I wasn’t sure if he’d be comfortable with my “promotion”. But I figure that since Rocky’s Bru, the “king” of bloggers, had already previously made a mention of this blog, my little “promotion” would be just a mosquito bite. The title of his blog should say it all. Another good place to “escape” to.


Well, that’s my 7.

Thanks again Pat for the nomination. And yes, as X-Files as it sounds, it’s great to know that “we are not alone”.

7 Comments on “Nominated..and nominating..”

  1. cendana287 says:

    The only thing that I can say right now is that … I’m flattered by this. It’s a pleasant surprise that I’m even considered for something like this … especially by someone like you, who obviously have visited so many weblogs.

    It’s less than a month that I have started it; and there’s actually nothing much over there. And Yes, I’m actually fearful of being in any sort of spotlight; quite nervous that all my weaknesses, faults and past wrong-doings would be revealed for all to see.

    Ironically, I had sent this comment to Elviza Michele’s Write Away blog just a few hours ago:

    Well, as you had said, since Rocky’s Bru had already “done the damage”, maybe I should just let things follow their course(?) … And there is that need too; of no longer hiding in the shadows and getting on to live life again.

    So Thanks, Su, for thinking this highly of me and my blog. I’ll try to do my part in this by mentioning my own seven.

    But I do have one problem: How do I put that logo on the left? I have no problem with the “Kelantan Bloggers”and “Technorati” since I only had to copy their code and paste it. But how about this one? Remember that I have only one month experience with this blog … and just two months of Internet access:-)
    Let’s see if I can help.

    First, right-click on the logo, then save the image onto your own PC. Then upload the logo into your own blog. Just follow the instructions from HERE, and you’ll be alright. I too had a little trouble when I first started. The FAQs in WordPress are pretty efficient.

    And really, no worries about nominating your blog. I like it, and I think most people will find it enlightening too.

  2. Patricia says:

    Hi there!

    I’m glad to see your seven up, and will visit them all to check out their postings.

    I was ‘glad’ to see that Cendana287 had trouble with the logo! And you did, too?! Hahahah! ME TOO!!! I wondered and wondered, and then tried it out – and felt quite pleased with myself for getting it right! Hahaha (You must understand that pc-knowhow does not come easy to techno-challenged me!)

    And you are most welcome. I hope you have lots and lots of new visitors. There is nothing like hearing other voices to help us learn and grow.

    Happy blogging!

    AS my dad says, “Practice makes perfect”. We learn as we go along, no?

  3. Antares says:

    So sweet of you, Michelle. I appreciate your kind mention of my blog. When I signed up for a free Google Blogger account on 1 Dec 2006, I had no idea blogging was going to consume 80% of my time – and all I’ve earned since with GoogleAds is around $60 😦 but that’s because I don’t wish to clutter my blog with animated ads that tend to slow down or jam people’s servers. Much as I enjoy getting lots of hits, the virtual friendships that have arisen from blogging are far more meaningful. Sight unseen count you as a buddy and look forward to someday meeting you!
    That’s $60 more than what I’m earning! πŸ˜‰

  4. walski69 says:

    Waah… I am flatterd and honored. Thanks, Michelle. It was a very nice thing to see in the mail at 2am this morning (after a long and tiring day trip to the East Coast on Wednesday). So yeah, not lying about the busy-ness sometimes. :p

    It’s always very nice to get nominated for anything… and by the way, congratulations on your well-deserved nomination. One of the best new blogs I have come across this year, and always a nice read over here.

    I hope to be able to put my own seven up soon… Incidentally, I really think that 24 hours in a day is simply not enough.. Any idea to whom I can complain to about this? Heh Heh…
    Thanks. And enough with the compliments. I’ll grow obnoxious! Hehe..

    And about the 24 hours, I think we share the same problem. Sometimes I think it’s a conspiracy…

  5. aziz says:

    ao this is what it’s all about. much appreciated and i hope i won’t give u any reasons to regret including “mana-mana” in your A-list. u know what else will be taking up my time the next 10/12 days? i’ve had orders to bake more than 20 kek lapis for relatives and friends…. yes, u heard right. kek lapis of the type they call lapis legit in i’sia and in malaysia, more well-known as kek lapis sarawak. i make two types — with prunes or spices, the former taking between 3 and 3 1/2 hours including cutting the prunes into small pieces. but i can now bake 2 or 3 at one go and save a lot of time.

    p/s: i’m all for the all blacks to beat Oz in brisbane sat night and retain the tri-nations title and the bledisloe cup. cheers
    Ah, you rugby fan! Do you even get live telecasts of the games in Malaysia? Anyhow, I’m also going to be keeping an eye out for the results, though I STILL have no idea what makes the game so interesting..

    Oooh..kuih lapis… Making me miss Malaysia now..

    And hey, no worries, will have no regrets. Your blog is a good one. I go there often!

  6. cendana287 says:

    I finally know how to put those graphics into the sidebar. (wonder why it insists on being at the very bottom, although I had put it under “Kelantan Bloggers”??)

    I had been feeling rather small previously, when I simply could not figure it out!… how `everyone else’ had all these nice icons.

    Had trouble with that “Kelantan Bloggers” thing too a few days ago – until I figured out that “it must be pasted into *something*”. Had guessed correctly that it was into the “text box”. But that was easy enough since the code was supplied by someone else.

    Now I feel so liberated and empowered!:-) I can now add things like “Project Gutenberg” etc. Today is a significant day indeed in my blogging diary.
    It’s nice to figure out how to do new things. I know the feeling. πŸ™‚

    And don’t fret the “staying at the bottom” bit. Sometimes WordPress can be highly annoying because of that. Go back to it a few days later or something. Should work properly then.

    So cheers to learning so so much more!

  7. drrafick says:

    Thank you for the honor. I think I am apolitical and I also touch on matters that is around me

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