This Writer

Michelle loves Malaysia, and reads the news despite all the dirty politics that seems to never end.

Meanwhile, she also loves photography, which gives her some clean breathing space after all that dirty stuff.

72 Comments on “This Writer”

  1. tomatoinc says:

    hi there.

    are u in christchurch?

  2. su says:

    Hey tomatoinc, unfortunately, no, I’m not down in Christchurch where it’s amazingly cold in winter. I’m up in Auckland where the weather is slightly more bearable. Thanks for leaving a mark here. I look forward to reading more comments and feedback.

  3. aziz says:

    hi michelle, had to go right to the bottom to read the little u have said about yourself. your blog has been added to my links

  4. sloone says:

    hi michelle, thanks for carrying stories from my blog. really appreciate it. nice to know a young malaysian girl having much interest in the happenings of her country.

    keep up the good blogging!

  5. bamboo river says:

    Okay, officially now I know you are Michelle.
    Will drop by often and don’t forget to have a cuppa at Susan’s blog .
    Have a nice day!
    Well, I officially know you as bamboo river..
    You’re welcome to come here any time! See you at Susan’s too!

  6. doc says:

    you are truly matured beyond your age. hope you will channel your youthful energy in ways that will benefit those around you, near or far.
    Thanks, it means a lot. 🙂

  7. dinobeano says:

    Ms. Su, thanks for your responses on my blog. Wherever you may be please do Malaysia proud and be ready to return home when the time is right to help out. Let us think Malaysian from here on.—Din Merican
    I will definitely be returning home. No question about it. And I will do what I can to help.

  8. wizurye says:

    Michelle is a nice n pretty name… I see u cover quite a number of issues here and hey, thanks for your responses & encouragement on my blog! You’ll be returning home to Malaysia? Are you from Penang?? 🙂
    No, not from Penang, but will definitely be returning home! Do continue coming back here! 🙂

  9. bangmalaysia says:

    You do analyse things very well and I would love to put you in my blogroll if thats alright with you.BTW there is also another blog called I am Malaysian by a friend of mine, Ewoon.
    No problem at all. I am aware of Ewoon’s blog, pure coincidence to carry the same name. Probably because we both are proud to be Malaysians.

  10. GeoGeo says:

    Wow such a young lady….

    Greetings from an Ex -M’sian in AKL.

    Will be visiting ur blog regularly.

    All the best & cheers
    Greetings to you too.

  11. ylchong says:

    Hi there:

    It’s heartening to read of Y&As like you,sabrinatanand johnlee al writing about Malaysian issues. Yes,I hope you YoungOnes do come back and strive for a BetterMalaysia, as only Malaysians can do; it’sout quest,it’s our battle, beyong race, colour and creed, gender or age. –Desi

    PS: I may pick up your Post/s when relevant for, for quality writings are to be shared:)
    You’re more than welcome. 🙂

  12. zorro says:

    Eric Woon’s blog is “I Am A Malaysian”. Glad that you posted Moaz’s email. That was Desiderata (YL) just before me.
    No problem at all Zorro.

  13. Patricia says:

    Hi Michelle,

    You are a year younger than my daughter, and what a dynamo for a brain you have! I ‘discovered’ you in the comments section of Haris Ibrahim’s blog, and I’ve finally found the time to visit. I like what I’ve read in the two minutes I’ve been here 😉

    Will visit again.

    Please do. 🙂

  14. estee wong says:

    Hi, Yes, Michelle you are right. Our Newspapers like Star, NST, totally useless and unfair to Anwar. They do it deliberately not to report on the Truth. They are too frightened to Report on the NEWS that Raja Petra has discovered the Medical Report that shows the Accuser was never sodomised. The Truth is Out There!

  15. gorshan says:

    what? you wants to come back?!!!

    you crazy aaah..!?

    oh i see i see, only 20 plus still full of ideals and dreams.wait till you are in your 30s and 40s ,then you will curse you own decisions to ever come back to this hellhole.

    i m in my 40s and already i am cursing why i didnt leave when i was in my 20s. its too late for me now age wise and education wise but my kids will leave forever,someday soonest.

    do all you can,even lie to yourself that you can make a difference but remember this, the malays in this country are myopic and can never ever see beyond their race and religion.
    Whatever the difficulty, Malaysia is my home. My feelings have only grown stronger since I came here.

  16. humm says:

    Life is never as it seems
    a journey fill with unexpected
    but for all the happiness or griefs
    one still accepts to be born again
    and again ….
    and again…

    Best wishes to you.
    The best to you too.

  17. Dear Michelle

    I totally believe you’re gonna be a great architect just as you are a great blogger now! Keep up the good work!

    However, perhaps you should consider stepping away from politics for the time being cos you are at too young an age for disillusionment from the bee-ess that is politics. Get back to it only when you are say… 80?

    Meanwhile – do have loads of fun in NZ, don’t scare the sheep nor the shepherds.

    All the best!
    Thanks. Afraid I can’t step away from politics though, it’s too much in my blood already.

    PS: Them sheep don’t get scared easily. 🙂

  18. Jin Hou says:


    I applaud your courage and your altruism to return to Malaysia. In a world where capitalism resigns supreme, where all motivation comes only as an answer to the question “What’s it in for me?”, your decision flies in the face of the masses who would rather comment at the sideline. Well, it sure is heartening to know that there are still warm blooded Anak Malaysia who has the conviction to fight for the common good.

  19. humm says:

    One can’t see well except with the heart, the essential is invisible to the eyes.

    (Le Petit Prince)
    Antoine de Saint Exupéry’s
    Beautiful quote.

  20. humm says:

    I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people.

    Isaac Newton

  21. humm says:

    In these times you have to be an optimist to open your eyes when you awake in the morning.

    Carl Sandburg
    This is a good one, especially so now.

  22. lucia says:

    hi michelle, i saw your comment on haris’ blog re: benar’s petition for media freedom. you are so right. it’s so sad not many people are concerned over media freedom.

    i am one of those from benar and i thank you for your support to benar. just recently we had the memo translated in bahasa and i hope you can help us to spread the memo in bahasa. we hope the bahasa text will get more malays to read it, hence support us.

    the bahasa text can be found here:

    Lucia, will do.

  23. nigel says:

    hi. michelle.
    im a malaysian student living in auckland too.
    which part of auckland u r in?
    Avondale, quite close to Auckland CBD. How about you?

  24. humm says:

    The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much it is whether we provide enough for those who have little.

    Franklin D. Roosevelt
    Hear, hear.

  25. ummu asiah says:

    Hi Michelle,

    just came accross your blog. happy to see and read other people’s writing about the issue of KEZALIMAN ISA. I am one of the committee members in GMI. Have been with GMi since 2001 and will continue fighting to abolish ISA and make sure all the detainees will be released soon. And like u very much interested in politics and will be part of the struggle to “Merdekakan Rakyat”. Keep up the good work.
    Thanks for all the work that you and the others on your committee are doing. Will continue supporting our fight.

  26. sherinem says:

    Hi Michelle,
    Very well done with this article – and for such a young person (youger than me off course!), very impressed with what you’ve written! Stumbled upon the heading on – first time here but it wont be my last! Btw i work in CBD/Queen Street 🙂
    Thanks. And it’s so cool to know Malaysians where I live. 🙂

  27. raykumar says:

    Hi Michelle,
    Tonight we celebrate!
    Read your heartfelt plea on Haris’s site and wanted to be the first person to post the good news here.
    A majority of 15,671…..YESSS!!!
    Let the march begin.


  28. ZIMRAN RASHID says:


    This marks the dawn of a new Malaysia being liberated from the clutches of BN which in reality is worse than the British colonialists.

    In any democratic institution, a newly elected member of parliament is immediately sworn in after he has been elected. What is the problem in the newly elected member for Permatang Puah to be sworn in as early as today as the House is still sitting?

    BN , in particular Umno, is now in damage control mode. However, the damages are already done and exposed. The rakyat has proven to the hopeless Umno that BN is no longer relevant.

    BN’s bankrupt mentality has worsened making Umno, MCA and MIC into more incorrigible entities. No amount of lies will save BN now. The demise of Umno, MIC, MCA are clearly visible.

    The rakyat has shown that the a bigger majority does matter because they are fed-up with BN and its political drama. Let’s talk about more sensible matters and not nonsense. BN will never ever learn.

    But with the presence of MCA, MIC and worse Najib and Khairy, they buried themselves. So now, what Khairy is going to say?

    Congratulations for the big win and welcome back to the parliament, DSAI. We were waiting for this moment long enough. Thank you Permatang Pauh. Thank you for not buying into the racist and bigoted campaign of BN.

    In doing so you voted for a better future for all Malaysians. As for Khairy Jamaluddin, what was that you were saying about burying Anwar’s political career?

    Pray, tell me why cannot the newly-elected MP participate in the deliberations of the House soon after he has been elected?

    We love and die for our country. Malaysia is the best and Malaysians are the best! Malay, Chinese, Indians and others are no more for we are all Malaysians of our motherland Malaysia.

    Today is ia new year – Aug 26, 2008. Anwar, lead us with your leadership to enable us to be the best.

    So, where is the jihadi from Pantai and the funeral parlour man from Rembau who wanted to bury Anwar? Have they gone into hiding?

    Most of all, BN – are the special projects or ‘election goodies’ going to be forthcoming after the embarrassing loss in Permatang Pauh?
    What are they going to say this time to delay or conveniently scrap these promised goodies?
    After all, Malaysians are very forgetful people.

    Rembau funeral man – get ready to resign, as you have promised to do so when DSAI becomes the PM.
    Hiding isn’t going to do you any good – come OUT with something more original next time around. Is there a next time for you? The clock is ticking for you, Mr Funeral Parlour Man. He is an STUPID FOOL

  29. Nora says:

    Hi Michelle

    I came across your blog from Haris Ibrahim’s on your plea from Kiwiland… It really makes me feel at home knowing that there’s another true Malaysian here in Auckland. She being a young lady but matured and thought provoking writing, I salute you!!

    ps: We’re in the Mt Roskill suburb and occasionally go to the Avondale Sunday market..perhaps you can come over on Hari Raya soon 😉
    Thanks for the invite. Have sent you an email. 🙂

  30. Drachen says:

    Good on you for fighting for this country.

    I did archi in Sydney. Contact me when you get back!

    Thanks mate. Will do.

  31. George says:

    Hi, Michelle, great to know you over the net..and even excited that you are in NZ..

    I m very puzzle that why you still choose to come back to Malaysia after you finish your study despite you have a PRship?

    The 2nd questions is why you choose NZ but not studying in Malaysia?

    I m now working so hard to get a PR for NZ, looking at my age around 40 now, i still go for it…this is because

    I m totally desperate with Malaysian…the way the manage and really no hope…

    I m looking for a country where the race and religion not an issue, and country with people emphasizing in Environment….

    Maybe you are still very young, maybe i m wrong…could i find out from you why you still choose to come back to Malaysia?

    I always believe that Malaysia is my home. But do u understand that to change the government, we need people like you and me…but to tell u frankly, we are just the minority of the society…

    In Malay society, the percentage of people willing to change is even less…

    So to change malaysia, we need the main Malay society to change..but u know that majority of Malay still stay in rural area where they are unable to access to this type of info and accessing to your blog for example…

    So can u please think twice before we say you want to come back to Malaysia?
    Hello George.

    Quite frankly, I wouldn’t even think twice about going back. There is no question. I will. Perhaps in a cheesy way, “You have to be the change you want to see”. There is so much potential in Malaysia, in her people, if only they were given the chance. And I see this as a collective effort by everyone in the society.

    I, by myself, cannot do much. But I want to do something. And it is my belief that I can do and accomplish much more by being on the ground, instead of just commenting on blogosphere.

    Perhaps I cannot change Malaysia. But I wouldn’t know unless I try. And try I will.

    As for studying here instead of Malaysia, it was driven by the circumstances at that point in time.

    You said something about “no hope”. Perhaps that’s what’s really driving me, and my reason why I want to go back to Malaysia. It is because I still see hope for a better Malaysia. Change is something that is always happening, some faster than others. Perhaps this is a slow and painful change, but change is definitely happening.

    I hope this answers your questions. NZ is a nice place, really. If you really decide to go for it, good luck.

  32. George says:

    Salute for your determination! Michelle!

    Hope you all the best in trying to change Malaysia!

    Yes. Time will come when one of these day when Malaysia will have a lady prime minister not of the Malay or Bumiputra origin…

    This is the ultimate aim you and me are looking for right??

    …No sex,race and religious discrimination…

    When will this happen??

    I doubt we have to wait for another 50 years or more????
    Haha. Let’s just hope for a capable PM. Doesn’t matter what sex, race or religion.

  33. George says:

    In our country,may i have your idea or expectation of how a capable PM should be or what criteria/s he should have?

    How many marks would you give to our former PM and existing PM, if u dont mind….hahaha
    As long as the PM can govern the country properly, be equal and just to all citizens, I’m fine.

  34. LightsInTheDistance says:

    Hi, just aware that you’re so very young still. If there are more people that think like you, the world would be a better place.

    Leave you with a quote.

    “If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.”

    Be well.
    Thanks for being so kind. You take care too.

  35. cendana287 says:

    Oh, so you are su who had left a comment as my blog! (about “Recovery from Drug Addiction”)

    I couldn’t come to check on this site sooner, nor to reply to the comments then, for I was swamped! Didn’t know that Rocky’s Bru had mentioned something about my site until I was surprised by all those comments coming in.

    I had seen your comment from early on, and was/has been reflecting on it – plus some others. Yes, that’s probably it … the spiritual self. I think it’s markedly different from “being religious”

    My search is of “Who am I?”; and hoping this will someday – gradually over time – be answered … that “I’ll know”. Until then, I’ll have to go on searching; and hoping that bit by bit things will get answered.

    BTW keep up with what you’re doing here. It might not appear so at my blog, but I *am* interested in current issues and socio-political matters. However, at that site, I’m keeping and limiting it towards “Recovery” and “improving one’s self (especially *mine*).

    But that shouldn’t stop me from voicing myself at other people’s sites … yours, Susan Loone, Rocky’s Bru etc 🙂
    Thanks for coming by! 🙂

  36. omar qayyum mohan says:

    dear michelle,

    ma maths are jus as poor as ma aljebra but all other senses r okie, 1986, girl u have a whole wide world that i hope brings you many a wonderful moment. Ur parents r blessed to have u

    by the way how cum u opted fer achitecture n not mass comm … 🙂

    I am blessed, to have parents like them.

  37. George says:

    latest news 13 Sept 08 from Malaysia! 3 persons had been detained under ISA, a blogger,journalist and a politician. Are you worrying of becoming the next target and why?

  38. Muhammad Firdaus Christopher says:

    Hi Michelle,

    It was a pleasure to speak to you on the phone earlier and after a series of confirmations, Haris is still with us. I have asked him to share his alternate phone # and will share with you once he has shared it with me.

    Please continue to pray for Pete, Haris, Din & all our blogger comrades…most importantly for our country, Malaysia.

    Warm Regards & God Bless.

    Thanks so much Chris. I really appreciate it. God bless all anak-Bangsa Malaysia

  39. Muhammad Firdaus Christopher says:

    Hi Michelle,

    By the way, do send me an e-mail once you have the chance so that I would be able to share more interesting articles… 🙂

    Cheers & God Bless.
    Have sent you an email Christopher. And thanks so much for the updates. Much appreciated.

  40. A N Rashid says:

    Dear Miss Yoon,

    I AM WITH YOU. I AM A MALAYSIAN ! Yes I was born a Malay in 1945(use your maths) but after 1957 and 1963, I consider my race as a MALAYSIAN! I don’t really care if your surname is Muhammad, Linggam or Wong! Keep up the good work.
    Thanks En Rashid. We are all Malaysians. No doubt about it.

  41. crisscross says:

    why come back ah… i thought you guys get EQUAL RIGHTS AND TREATMENT IN WHITE COUNTRY? Cannot cari makan there ah??? well there always the big daddy mainland ….loh. here can fight for lite mah…can talk bad about other lace mah…can make your land our land loh…

  42. Massa says:

    Hi Michelle

    Need to know this badly. If you claim to be a Malaysian and love the country and everything in it…why in God’s name do you have an upside down flag on your blog? That to me is the utmost form of sacrilege and disrespect of our beloved flag. Why are you and all those who are asking for changes to the country so blatantly rude? It’s an insult to the country and even to yourself, dear Michelle. You contradict yourself. You make so much noise about a new and perfect Malaysia..whatever that may be.. and you can’t even do a decent thing like respecting the flag.
    “The true hypocrite is the one who ceases to perceive his deception, the one who lies with sincerity.”
    Author: André Gide
    I suggest you just stay put quietly in NZ.
    Ps..don’t forget to answer my question now
    Hello Massa,

    I believe you saw my upside down flag in THIS post. I also put the flag on my sidebar when I posted that sometime early August.

    I’ve taken the flag down from my sidebar, and you can read my reasons HERE. I’m not sure if this answers your question though.

    I left the original posting as it was, simply for posterity. I’m not proud of what I did when I put it up, but I do think that we are all allowed to redeem ourselves. I was hoping I did. Apparently not enough.

  43. crisscross says:

    Massa I agree with you 101%, she should stay put in NZ. (See if she could do it in that country) My advise , why don’t you just blogg ’bout the birds and the bees.It’s so easy to find people’s fault but before saying anything just look your self in the mirror, hypocrite…..

  44. crisscross says:

    I’m actually so sick of people trying to be what they are not…Please lah…. decendents of mainland china….correct me if I’m wrong???? It seems that you can find chinese people all over the world and they are citizens of every country .(where there’s money to be made). In all the continent they have crept into, they are citizens of that country, correct? So does that make them own the world or they are citizens of the world? and with that, do they have a right to the world.

    Is there a difference between an american or british or canadian or australian compared to a chinese american, chinese british or canadiqan chinese or a australian chinese???? The hell there is of course, the colours of their skin and name….and roots….numbskulls – the chinese come from CHINA, thats where they started from – GOD made them in CHINA not in Americas, Europe Australia, Arabia, Africa and certainly not in Malaya. They are wanderers, looking for wealth cos’ they aren’t enough back in the mainland. From this simple events you can say that there is a differance and that you are a wandering lot, aren’t you all. I am yet to see a US Chinese American Senator? or a british Chinese MP or a Chinese-French Minister????? Yeh man citizenship does not mean you are native…ya? it’s a just a passport…But only in malaysia it has to happen, there are chjinese minister and Mp’s and everything else.. The malay are so so so…. that they even gave an island temasek to the chinese. I hope they won’t be duped in giving Penang away too. Are they turning Persekutuan Tanah Melayu into A republik too, maybe in their 100 years dominance programm. Shit who knows.???

    Anyway, today’s the day if Mr Backside is going take over the CRIB. See how it goes and if it doese’nt, the goverment should put him behind bars for good cos’ of treason….. (actually this is dedicated to george and zimran but ms yoon take note.)

  45. George says:


    I’m sorry George, I had to delete this. I don’t want to censor comments, but I don’t want to turn this into a ‘me-against-you’ thing. Let it go, please.

  46. Bala Pillai says:

    Michelle, a refreshing style you have.

    You’ll fluorish when you return because you’d prefer the bittersweet variety to the sweet variety of life.

    Somewhat similar to you, I’ve been overseas so long yet I’m more Malaysian than ever mainly because 1) that’s what I love and 2) being a pioneer in cyberspace since the mid 80s. Identity is a worldview and the mix of our thoughts and emotions that prevail in our heads make up that worldview.

    Keep on humouring and coaxing us to higher heights.

  47. Paul Warren says:

    Hi Michelle

    You might have come across me in Haris’ and other peoples’ blogs. Also sign off as Oldfart on Blogspot. Anyway, am in Auckland for the next 3 weeks. Will be nice to catch up with a bunch of likeminded people eh

    Sad to be away from all the action in the coming days. E-mail me if you wish and will contact you.
    Thanks for the invite. Will send you an email as soon as I get time on my hands. Cheers.

  48. Paul Warren says:


    In your comment dated 17 Sept, you state, “You make so much noise about a new and perfect Malaysia..whatever that may be.. and you can’t even do a decent thing like respecting the flag.”

    I take it that the upside down flag, to you is disrespecting the flag. But why?

  49. bangmalaysia says:

    Reading your background reminded me when I was a bit younger. Then, I too was eager get out of Malaysia, so-called land of ‘racial and ethnic’ discrimination and ‘no future’.Since my sis is an American citizen, she sponsored me and after years of processing, I managed to get THE ‘green card’. And you know what I did, I turned it down. And everyone said I was a fool as obtaining the green card to stay in the US was like striking a lottery.

    No, Malaysia is my home, my beloved land and with all it’s shortcomings I want to be here till God takes me away.
    Nicely said.

  50. Paul Warren says:

    Now that we’ve met…I sure would like to keep track of you for as long as I can….That was a pretty long coffee session, don’t you think?

    And to all you other guys, Michelle’s a petite dynamite. Very lovable!!
    Paul Warren,

    Petite, yes. Dynamite? 😉

    And yes. Very long coffee session. But one that was very enjoyable.

  51. Agnes Khaw says:

    Hi Michelle,
    Occasionally I read read some postings on your blog but only today, I realised you are 3 years younger than my son and a year younger than my daughter. Yet you seem so much more matured than my children. Both of them are NOT interested in what goes on in their country. My daughter lives and works in KL and my son is in West Africa. No….they just couldn’t be bothered, not in the present nor the past, let alone the future. They both grew up in Western Australia. I dare not ask them where they consider ‘home where they belong’ is.
    You say, for sure you will return to Malaysia. I hope, for your sake, that by the time you come back, it will be a better place.
    Malaysia for Malaysians!
    Thanks Agnes.

  52. massa says:

    Paul Warren
    In your comment dated 17 Sept, you state, “You make so much noise about a new and perfect Malaysia..whatever that may be.. and you can’t even do a decent thing like respecting the flag.”

    I take it that the upside down flag, to you is disrespecting the flag. But why?”

    If I need to explain to you why flying our beloved flag upsidedown is a very disrespectful thing then I can be very sure and certain that Malaysia and its people are heading into some worrying and disturbing times. Problems not created by the current government but by the attitude of the people themselves. It’s very sad, Paul that you can ask me that question. A primary school student would know better.

  53. Lang Rimba says:

    Dear Michelle, just came across your blog while surfing the webs. I am a blogger like you, though I am not a politician but as a native of Sarawak I rather called myself Sarawakian, there’s 1001 reasons why I say that! I understand why you like to come back to Malaysia because Malaysia is one of the most harmonious country in the world. We both hate violent that’s why I condemn those making distruction to my native people. Anyway, really nice to know you. Do visit my blog if you don’t mind. Thanks
    I’m no politician too. 🙂

    I’ll drop by, no worries.

  54. Hi Michelle

    We are criss-crossing each other in cyber space hehe Am trying to look for your email address but cannot seem to find it anywhere in your blog.

    Apologies from this old lady here…could you please send me your email address and then I can send you the article that has the poem?


    Hahaha, this is too funny. I JUST left my email address on your blog, no less than 2 minutes ago! We’re definitely criss-crossing!

  55. asiseesit says:

    while you’re planning to come back when you finish there, i’m making plans to move there, hopefully within the next 12 months. reason? we are doing this for our son. he’s the primary while ours is secondary.

    was there 3 months back for a month surveying the market but the global crisis currently is not encouraging. hence, the 12 months duration and to earn enough points for my EOI.

    no matter what, i will forever a malaysian.

    good luck on your studies. i’m just a tad one level below your profession.

  56. asiseesit says:

    while you’re planning to come back when you finish there, i’m making plans to move there, hopefully within the next 12 months. reason? we are doing this for our son. he’s the primary while ours is secondary.

    was there 3 months back for a month surveying the market but the global crisis currently is not encouraging. hence, the 12 months duration and to earn enough points for my EOI.

    no matter what, i will forever a malaysian.

    good luck on your studies. i’m just a tad one level below your profession.

    BTW, found you in Din’s blog with the eye catching New Zealand title right after your name.
    Good luck with your application. All the best.

  57. George says:

    The root problem now in Malaysia is that people are judged based on
    their race…

    This basic question to test whether you are true Malaysian or prone to
    be racist is by answering the basic questions:-

    1. Do u have any close friend other than your own ethnic friend? Do
    you take efforts to understand their culture?
    2. When people from different race quarrel (let say without knowing
    what are they quarreling), do you think is a race issue or their
    personal problem?
    3. When you choose your leader, is race your criteria/s?
    4. When you buy certain products or services, you based on the product
    or service quality rather than race of people behind it? Ie if you are
    sick and visit doctor, what criteria you choose for the doctor? is
    race your consideration?
    5. Do u agree that income tax and blood donation department are only
    department in Malaysia where race is never a criteria for the
    customer? Do u think other government departments should follow this
    principle and why?

    If you have a close friend from other ethic, try to understand their
    culture,and do not feel offended when your race involved in quarrel
    with other races, choose leader based on leadership not race based,
    buy product or service based on the quality and after sales service.
    Never choose a doctor based on his/her race. 100% agree and realised
    that this 2 departments (income tax and blood bank) never practise
    race discrimination and believe other government departments should
    follow this principle….

    I believed at least you are TRUE MALAYSIAN!

    I m very curious how many of you under this truely Malaysian category?
    Please raise up you hand 🙂

    Thank you!

  58. Devan29 says:

    Hai there… good day to u Michele.

    I just wanna add something to what George have said.
    Well i am not against his views nor am i supporting him 100%. Its Just tht i wanna add a different view. Few years back (recalling – may not be 100% facts)i was reading a book about human behavior. This book contains findings on studies carried out on how human behave. Human in general cannot be alone.. So they move in a grouop.(Move, stay) So in order to fit in a group, the induvidual will have certain special qualities. Its very obvious tht even in a school class room, u will have the smart group, the quite group, the loud group, the nasty group,and so on. so thats just a class room . in a society… the group become diferent. Those who can afford group, those who cant afford group.. The hip group, the untouchebles.. and the list will go on

    Like we r here .. the group that wanna see Malaysia move for better. So the sure to be a group out there who think otherwise.
    We humans r naturaly group oriented spicies. Its actually the group activity to outshine the other ( we don realise it – but we r doin it )

    So, my point is .. as long as we are humans.. we will go with our natural behaviour .. But since we have a chance .. we can choose to be in a group thts suits us. In malaysia, we can deny racial issues.. but the fact is it will go on .. We will still be classed and grouped for identification . we will be marked to be recognised.. Can we abolish this??? i don think so…
    Thanks Devan. It’s a fair comment. And I don’t think there’s anything wrong with ‘classification’, as you call it. It defines who we are and who our ancestors were. My argument is only that it NOT be used to discriminate against.

  59. Hey Michelle, I got a headups from Din Merican…of your blog. Very well said! I live in Auckland too…and does freelance editing/writing. I have kept some interest in Malaysian politics. Not a lot…It never fails to surprise me how religious or learned people have absolutely closed minds. Sigh. Keep blogging!

  60. Dear Michelle,

    It’s good to read a blog by someone who is serious about being a Malaysian. But I despair when I read the negative comments that you receive. These people must realise that it is not an impossibility for us Malaysians to change.

    I’ve not read all the comments, but I have lived in UK and USA and have really involved myself in getting to know those countries. I can say that Malaysia shares problems in racism with these countries too. But one must also remember that things there weren’t as it is now. There were racial riots there too. But what differentiate the English and Americans was their commitment to change and improve their lot regardless of where they came from.

    We can begin with you are people like you. But remember as individuals we must be firm in changing peoples attitude, even if it is one’s spouse, family members, etc. I know as I consistently do so with family members to open up their eyes.

    Anyway, keep on being positive as I personally see the potential for this change. You are still young to be able to enjoy true racial harmony.

    By the way, if you are in NZ, how did you know the FRUs were at Amcorp Mall?

    Thank you for your very kind words of encouragement.

    To answer your question, I received SMSes from friends in KL. And the blogs are very up-to-date with the events.

  61. Bobby says:

    I remember going through your blog, about a year ago.
    Maybe you won’t have time for writing soon, but I do hope you will in a matter of time.
    Your thoughts will be missed.

  62. ahmal says:

    Kia Ora Michelle.

    Yes I bet you’re having a slight smile now. Must I say that I have been impressed by your blog. And I got more excited knowing that youre currently residing in New Zealand, though it was rather short-lived when you said it was Auckland instead hehe. Anyhow, you might know that the Bersatu Games is coming up. If you decided to go, I would be keen to meet up in Palmerston. Just find me there under the tag of Ahmal – UMNO Wellington. No worries purely casual. I just like the idea of random stangers with common interests. My facebook comes with the email. Hope to be hearing from you.

    Have a good one Michelle 🙂

  63. anakpakross says:

    Do read Zulkifli Nordin’s blog … Burung!

  64. anakpakross says:

    Happy Chinese New Year to you.

  65. poovan says:

    hi…cn i noe how old r u?

  66. zewt says:

    i notice that most people who are genuinely concern about malaysian affairs are located outside the country… well, i will probably be one of such soon.

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